Дастершоп77 >> English


Dear clients from all countries over the World!

If you need some parts from our online shop please send request to mail: dustershop77@yandex.ru

We have already experience of work with:








But all Countries are welcome! Please contact us!

In reason of internal Moscow exchange rates and WU rates we have to set the formula for calculating the cost for outside the Russia:

Starting from 04.02.2015

Total amount in Euro =  total in Rubles / 70

Shipment price normally is 100 Euro for 1 order.

Delivery time is 3-4 weeks after payment reception.


About us

To buy parts, accessories and tuning for Renault Duster, it would seem simple, but it is not! The sale of equipment and spare parts often do those who do not have sufficient experience in this sphere. It is necessary not only to select the right item, but also to guarantee its quality, to comply with the delivery time and after sales service. Our store has been working directly with manufacturers in Russia and other countries. We carefully choose our partners, check the goods for compliance with quality to ensure our customers receive a quality product and service. A good customer is a happy one, in our order base we have several thousands of successfully completed orders and hundreds of positive reviews.

We all know that Renault Duster (or Dacia Duster) – it is budget crossover. In order to make its budget, the company Renault was forced to revise its concept. In order to not lose in quality and reliability, it was decided to sacrifice some degree of comfort and "lux". So, to reduce the final cost, since the cars were removed staffing “wheel wings border protectors”, jabot, overhead console, armrest and many other things not related to the reliability of the car, but related to the comfort of its use. Our employees participated in the development of this car as part of the engineering Renault company, so we do not by hearsay know what we're talking about. The car is very reliable, economical, comfortable, but a bit austere.

In other words, buying a new Duster - you get a very solid Foundation with the minimum required equipment from the point of view of comfort. So the main direction of our company is to provide a choice of additional accessories, equipment, tuning for Renault (or Dacia) Duster. Thus, each owner will be able to get an individual car, customize it for yourself and exactly how it will be convenient and comfortable. We give our customers the option of choice, the ability to modify your car in accordance with individual objectives and needs.

The second direction of our company - spare parts for Renault (Dacia) Duster. Any car requires proper maintenance and will serve its owner only when it is appropriate care for her. We provide the opportunity to purchase in our shop kits for passing, and spare parts. Although Renault Duster is a very reliable car, unplanned bad things sometimes happen, and maintenance work can not be circumvented.

The third direction is the bank of knowledge on repair and maintenance of Renault Duster. We provide our customers with not only products, but also descriptions, instructions for self-installation of parts on the car. Also, great attention is paid to the overall knowledge base on Renault (Dacia) Duster. This is not the only setting we have acquired goods, but also a description of the repair, maintenance, a range of literature on repair and maintenance of your car. It's all there on the pages of our resource, especially for You.

We are happy when our clients are happy.
Please feel free to contact us!

ps: sorry for mistakes in the text if they are ;)

Address: Russia, Moscow, Roterta st. 2
Phone: +7-495-510-30-57
EXT. communication: chat on the website
E-mail: dustershop77@yandex.ru

Best Regards, Dustershop77 team.

We have to set the formula for calculating the cost


Купить запчасти, аксессуары и тюнинг, казалось бы, просто, но это не всегда так! Продажей оборудования и запчастей часто занимаются те, кто не имеет достаточного опыта в этой сфере. Нужно не только подобрать необходимую деталь, но и гарантировать её качество, соблюсти срок поставки и послепродажный сервис. Наш магазин напрямую сотрудничает с производителями в России и за её пределами. Мы тщательно выбираем наших партнеров, проверяем товары на соответствие качества для того, чтобы наши клиенты получали качественный продукт и обслуживание. Хороший клиент - довольный клиент, а в нашей копилке не одна тысяча успешно завершенных заказов и сотни положительных отзывов. читать дальше...

Адрес МСК-СЕВЕР: г.Москва ул.Ротерта д.2
Телефон: +7(916)983-87-13
Доп. связь: чат на сайте
E-mail: dustershop77@yandex.ru

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